Barn Burner

When Marnie discovers a body at the Clear Springs farmers’ market, the life of the season becomes a deadly puzzle. Can Marnie solve it in time to save the summer?

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Summer is officially here with the opening of the Clear Springs Farmers’ Market.

But the town is in a tizzy when a new vendor upsets the apple cart. And when Marnie Tipton discovers his body behind the stall he stole from a prominent local farmer, all hell breaks loose in the small midwestern town.

All eyes are on Orville, the farmers’ unofficial leader, but he’s not the only one who had a bone to pick with Brother Stutzman. And it’s up to Marnie to clear her friend’s less than squeaky-clean name.

With her best friend Dina and her worst enemy both by her side, she’s got to uncover a lot of secrets to catch the real killer. The farmer’s market is the life of the Clear Springs summer, but it lead Marnie down a deadly path?

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